Monday, July 2, 2007

Living Off The Grid Newsletter #18

We had some visitors on Wednesday who wondered why we weren’t ‘at work’. We tried to explain that we worked at home, but it just didn’t get through to them. Jane and I spent an hour telling the couple that we were taking 2 months to just finish some building projects around home

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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions that are easy on your wallet. Find Free Solar Panels, Wind Towers and Batteries. With 14 years of experience you can rest assured the Renewable Energy Solutions Guide is based on experience, not just talk.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How to Build Wind Generators

Learning how to build wind generators was not that difficult once we found the right construction plans. Finding out what materials to use for the blades, where to get the generator from and how to put it all together proved rather interesting actually. When we found the plans we wanted the author even helped us along with friendly online advice.

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Off Grid News

It has been an exciting week here at Off Grid Living. We are just putting the finishing touches on our second, much larger wind generator. This model, adapted from the original plans we purchased should produce almost 2000 watts of power at 24 volts.

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Friday, June 8, 2007

Video- Home Wind Generators

Looking to see a home wind generator in action? Want to build one yourself?Some interesting video and some photos too.

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Home Wind Generators

This is an update on our report about how to build home wind generators- now we wanted it to look good. When visitors come to our homestead we want them to ask, “ Where did you ‘buy’ your new wind generator?” To which we would reply, “ Oh, we built that ourselves” as confidently as we could muster...

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Off the Grid Living

For 14 years we have been learning about off the grid living. Solar panels, how to build a wind generator and ways to prevent global warming. We have made our choice to take action...

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Monday, June 4, 2007

How the Weather affects your Renewable Energy System

The main factor that affects how much Renewable Energy that is produced at our home is the weather. If the sun is shining our solar panels are working non-stop to charge our batteries. When the sun isn’t shining that’s a different story.The weather outside has a direct relationship to the amount of charging that takes place with our battery bank

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Friday, June 1, 2007

Alternative Energy today

AlternativeEnergy is in the news and everybody seems to be talking about it today. But what is Alternative Energy ? In this article we will tell you what Alternative Energy is and take a look at common AlternativeEnergy sources.

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Living Off Grid

Living off grid today is much easier than it was 15 years ago. There are still many challenges but living off grid in today’s world means better renewable energy equipment and thankfully much better communication equipment. These advances have made living off grid, not only possible, but very comfortable.

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The Good Life of Helen and Scott Nearing

Today in the mail we just received an advance copy of ‘The Good Life of Helen Nearing’ by Margaret Killinger. It was especially intriguing as Margaret had interviewed Jane and I in connection with the writing of this book.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Global Warming Articles

Global Warming ArticlesHere is a collection of recently written global warming articles for your enjoyment. The nature of this subject is very serious and we endeavour to bring you the very best global warming articles to read so you can stay informed.

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Wind Generator Plans

We built a wind generator to run our off grid home. Finding wind generator plans that we could download now actually proved to be the hardest part of the whole project.We looked at the price of wind generators and quickly found out that the $2000 price tag was not in our budget. Andre’s and I decided to build one!

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Greenhouse Plans

Greenhouse PlansIf you are looking to download the very best greenhouse plans right now, then go to the following link.

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Build Your Own Greenhouse

I walked into Blaine Oatman’s greenhouse and my world was forever changed. Outside it was blowing and cold, even for March; inside it felt like a warm June morning. All around me the smell of plants growing, some beginning to flower, and the smell of damp earth made me stop and take a deep breath...

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Monday, May 28, 2007

No Easy Ways to Stop Global Warming

There are no easy ways to stop global warming. It all boils down to the personal choices that you and I make everyday. One of the building blocks and best ways to stop global warming is by starting a personal fitness program.If the choices we make- driving our car to work, leisure activities that use gasoline engines etc. all affect global warming

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Henry Ford would drive a Hydrogen car.

Henry Ford would drive a car that runs on Water… and doesn't contribute to Global warming.But more importantly he would find a way that the average North American could afford it! I would really like to talk to Henry today and see how he would find ways to stop global warming.

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Take the Renewable Energy Challenge for 2007

Today we are sharing our own challenges to find ways to prevent global warming for 2007. We are personally involved in all of the following challenges that we are giving to you.Make a difference- Take the Renewable Energy Challenge and find better ways to Prevent Global Warming. Take action today ! The first challenge- 1000 cars run on biodiesel.

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Finding Rural Property in Canada at a Reasonable Price

Are you looking for a rural property to begin your dream of living off the grid? Or are you searching for a simple cottage lot at a reasonable price? How about a place to spend the summer weekends away from the hustle and the bustle of cottage country? This is where to go- read this article to find out where....

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Friday, May 25, 2007

How To Build A Greenhouse

Before we could start we needed to find some good plans for building a greenhouse. We looked on the Internet and found some great plans first time up. This is a slight variation of the plans because we were using wood we had cut ourselves.

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Homemade Wind Generators

This Project took us by Surprise!We just finished building our own wind generator. We have enjoyed this one, and we have written down our experience with the project and taken photos for you to have a look at. We just can’t believe the response to this article.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Women in debt

The pain etched on Jane’s face was more than I could bear. She hung her head like the End of the World was about an hour away. I was scared to ask her what was wrong… and then she started to cry.“The bank just took away my credit card”, she finally got out in only a whisper....

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle?

Taking Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to new heights. We have learned ways to reduce our consumption of manufactured goods and energy using simple techniques you can learn too. Our family has learned to reuse building materials, consumer goods and the waste of others.Most importantly, and this is going to surprise a few of you, we recycle virtually nothing

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Solar-Panels Easy Installation Guide

In our own search for the right solar-panels we quickly learned that we just didn’t know enough about solar energy and solar panels in general. We knew we needed help in understanding the new solar panels but where would we find that help? We needed a simple guide that even we could understand.We spent $94, and bought 5 books before we found it...

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

5 steps to a great backyard shed

This project was a great place to start before we tackling bigger projects like a garage or house.The first thing we had to find was a reliable set of plans. That took some doing.We did find some great plans though, that we will share with you .

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Top 10 ways to Stop Global Warming

Start off by quitting your job. You don’t really like it anyways, do you? If only half of all North Americans quit their job, or worked at home we could reduce global warming by a whopping 42%! Go on, tell me what I have to do next ?

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Seed Starting - 5 step guide

Seed Starting I was very fortunate to learn from a seed starting expert. He would meticulously start the finest of seeds with great ease it seemed. I am now going to reveal some of his secrets, and some that I have learned on my own...

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Garden Time- 5 easy steps to growing blueberries

High Bush and Low Bush varieties Growing blueberries is not that difficult if you start with the right conditions. The growing of blueberries is probably easier than you think.When we first moved to our present home we had no idea we would be growing blueberries in the near future.

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Garden time- 10 easy steps to growing carrots

Learning how to grow carrots should be easy, but experience has taught us otherwise. There are quite a number of considerations when growing carrots. This guide to growing carrots should help every home gardener and you market gardeners should learn something about how to grow carrots as well. For growing carrots you deeply work the soil......and

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Real Cost of Debt

I remember that moment with my son like it happened just yesterday. He got home from school, and looked rather upset. He definitely didn’t want to talk.It took a couple hours but, finally at the dinner table it came out. “Dad, some of the kids at school say we’re poor.”“No son, we’re not poor, we’re just in debt."Do we have to be in debt?”.........

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Canoeing in Paradise

My paddle dips cleanly out of the water, with the jade drops slowly falling. Algonquin in summer....

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Off The Grid- Warren Miller, Survivorman and me?

Have you been 'Off the Grid' lately? Take a look back at off-gridder's from the past and the present. Would you believe Ralph Waldo Emerson is ...?

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why Grow a Garden in 2007 ?

Most Canadians are just too lazy to grow a garden, there I said it.

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Debt Proof Living?

Is it possible to debt-proof your life? Keep that debt from coming back, and enjoy my life?

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Top 10 reasons you need Off Grid Consulting

Need help finding the best products at the best prices? Want to make sure that your quotes from installer's are fair? Do you want unbiased advice about your own solar or wind installation? Check out the other 7reasons

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Grow Onions - A quick guide

It's garden time again, want to learn how to grow great onions? check out this article

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How to Grow Potatoes - A quick guide

Garden time again, check out this great article on growing potatoes

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Off Grid Consulting

Do you want to save up to $3000 on your installation of solar panels or wind generator? Do you want to make sure you are getting the best deals on the best Renewable Energy Products? Then you need Off Grid Consulting

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Living Off the Grid

How hard can it be? Get the real scoop on living off the grid here. And it really isn't that hard

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Save up to $3000 on your Renewable Energy Installation now!

Is your dealer giving you the best price? We will tell you. Want help installing it yourself? We will help. Want to know whether to choose solar or wind or a combination of both , we can help you. Check us out

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Digg This 10 steps to make your own Wind Generator

No special tools, no special knowledge, just the best plans on how to make a wind generator we have found. A better title would have been How to 'Finish' your own wind generator. Check it out, and digg it so others can enjoy

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How To Build A Shed

Hey, it's garden time. Learn how to build a shed from this article. Digg it now

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Digg it 10 steps to Sustainable Living

How are we going to sustain this World? Global warming, climate change? Follow these 10 simple steps for sustainable living now, before it's too late.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Digg This ! Top 10 ways to Stop Global Warming

Start off by quitting your job. You don’t really like it anyways, do you. If only half of all North Americans quit their job, or worked at home we could reduce global warming by a whopping 42%! Go on, tell me what I have to do next ? Digg it.

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9 things YOU can do with Cordless Power tools

You won't believe what you can do with cordless power tools. Check it out

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Can you Write?

We need articles about solar panels, wind generators and living off the grid. Also gardening, building and alternative energy news stories needed. Do you know what's hot? Tell us

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AlternativeEnergy is in the news and everybody seems to be talking about it today. But what is AlternativeEnergy ? In this article we will tell you what it is and take a look at common AlternativeEnergy sources.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Good Life of Helen and Scott Nearing

We had the pleasure of contributing to the latest Nearing's book, page 93 of the good life. Read it here

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How To Build A Greenhouse

Are you looking for the easiest plans for how to build a greenhouse? This is it, for free

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How To Build Your Own House

Can it really be that difficult? Can I find out how to build your own house? A no nonsense plan is right here

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Build A Wind Generator

You can build a wind generator ! Here is how

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How to Build Wind Turbines

Looking for an easy way to build wind turbines? You can find out how to build wind turbines right here

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Solar Rechargeable Batteries

Where do you find solar rechargeable batteries? This article explains what you need to know

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Debt Free Lifestyle

Are you enjoying a debt free lifestyle? It is easier than you think to maintain that debt free lifestyle too

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Friday, May 4, 2007

How To Get Off The Grid

Are you wondering how to get off the grid? There is a simple step by step plan on how to get off the grid right here.

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Living Off Grid

Can it really be that hard living off grid? This family has been living off grid for 14 years.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Algonquin Park

Want to see Algonquin Park from the inside? You can have a great adventure in Algonquin Park here's how.

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Cheaper Solar Panels ?

That's right they are making cheaper solar panels. New thin film technology makes them more efficient and cheaper . Read more

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Solar Panels, Wind Generators, Backup Power Generators

Looking for the best deals on solar panels, wind generators or backup power generators ?

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Off Grid Books

Are you looking for off grid books? Everything there is to know about living off the grid.

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Backup Power Generator

Have you been looking for a backup power generator? This article will show you how to find the best backup power generator for your needs.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Make Wind Chimes

Make Wind Chimes ? You sure can. This easy to follow article explains how to make wind chimes.

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Build Wind Generator

Build wind generator? Yes you can, if you have been thinking you could build wind generator.

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Growing Garlic

Growing garlic | garlic growing can it be that hard ? Simple guide says no

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Growing Onions

Growing onions can't be that difficult? Is there a guide out there for growing onions? Simple easy to read here it is.

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Seed Starting

Is it really time for seed starting? Have a look at this seed starting guide

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Solar Panels Book

Solar Panels Book for free? 100 page renewable energy guide just for signing up for the free newsletter. It doesn't get better than that?

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Log Home Build

Looking for a log home build kit ? Or do you want to do it yourself? Log home build.

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Wild Blueberries

How to cook with wild blueberries? Where to find wild blueberries.

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Growing Blueberries

Want to learn about growing blueberries? This is the place to learn all about growing blueberries.

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Solar in Canada

What is the state of solar in Canada? Are we keeping up with the World? Some say we are, find out?

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Off The Grid

Off the grid is not as hard as you might think? We have been doing it for 14 years, come and find out how. We will give you our 100 page renewable energy guide just for signing up for our free newsletter. Nothing to lose with that one, and everything to gain.

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Log Home Maintenance

How do you do it without hiring an expert?

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Solar Heating

Solar Heating ? pretty cool eh. Free hot water and heat from the sun . Find out how in this informative article.Free 100 page book on the website about renewable energy just for signing up for the newsletter. It's free too !

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Solar Panel Sales

Have you been looking for the best prices on Solar Panels? Solar panel sales everyday ! And a free renewable energy guide of 100 pages just for signing up for the free newsletter. Don't put off your renewable energy dreams any longer.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Renewable Energy Affiliates wanted

Do you know anyone interested in Wind generators, solar panels or alternative energy? We want to talk to you.
We are paying 50% Commission on every sale of our first RENEWABLE ENERGY E-BOOK, and finally sharing our 14 years of experience living off the grid.
Details will be available soon, just sign up for our free newsletter to stay informed at
Living Off The Grid
Top right corner of our homepage, and we will not share your email-ever.

Share your interest in Off Grid Living,

We look forward to working with you


Les and Jane

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Living Off the Grid

Hello Everyone,

For the past 13 years our family has been Living off the Grid. That may not sound like a long time, but it has been a struggle , especially in the beginning. We have created this blog so that you can learn more about how you , the reader can live off the grid. Solar panels, wind energy, hydro power and new emerging technologies can make your life better right away.

With only some minor lifestyle changes you can set up your household so that you will never , ever pay another utility bill !

Send me an email if you have a similar story to tell , and we will see if we can post your article and photos on our website. You will find us here.
Anything is possible when you are Living Off the Grid