Monday, April 30, 2007

Log Home Build

Looking for a log home build kit ? Or do you want to do it yourself? Log home build.

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Wild Blueberries

How to cook with wild blueberries? Where to find wild blueberries.

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Growing Blueberries

Want to learn about growing blueberries? This is the place to learn all about growing blueberries.

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Solar in Canada

What is the state of solar in Canada? Are we keeping up with the World? Some say we are, find out?

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Off The Grid

Off the grid is not as hard as you might think? We have been doing it for 14 years, come and find out how. We will give you our 100 page renewable energy guide just for signing up for our free newsletter. Nothing to lose with that one, and everything to gain.

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Log Home Maintenance

How do you do it without hiring an expert?

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Solar Heating

Solar Heating ? pretty cool eh. Free hot water and heat from the sun . Find out how in this informative article.Free 100 page book on the website about renewable energy just for signing up for the newsletter. It's free too !

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Solar Panel Sales

Have you been looking for the best prices on Solar Panels? Solar panel sales everyday ! And a free renewable energy guide of 100 pages just for signing up for the free newsletter. Don't put off your renewable energy dreams any longer.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Renewable Energy Affiliates wanted

Do you know anyone interested in Wind generators, solar panels or alternative energy? We want to talk to you.
We are paying 50% Commission on every sale of our first RENEWABLE ENERGY E-BOOK, and finally sharing our 14 years of experience living off the grid.
Details will be available soon, just sign up for our free newsletter to stay informed at
Living Off The Grid
Top right corner of our homepage, and we will not share your email-ever.

Share your interest in Off Grid Living,

We look forward to working with you


Les and Jane

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Living Off the Grid

Hello Everyone,

For the past 13 years our family has been Living off the Grid. That may not sound like a long time, but it has been a struggle , especially in the beginning. We have created this blog so that you can learn more about how you , the reader can live off the grid. Solar panels, wind energy, hydro power and new emerging technologies can make your life better right away.

With only some minor lifestyle changes you can set up your household so that you will never , ever pay another utility bill !

Send me an email if you have a similar story to tell , and we will see if we can post your article and photos on our website. You will find us here.
Anything is possible when you are Living Off the Grid