Saturday, June 30, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions that are easy on your wallet. Find Free Solar Panels, Wind Towers and Batteries. With 14 years of experience you can rest assured the Renewable Energy Solutions Guide is based on experience, not just talk.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How to Build Wind Generators

Learning how to build wind generators was not that difficult once we found the right construction plans. Finding out what materials to use for the blades, where to get the generator from and how to put it all together proved rather interesting actually. When we found the plans we wanted the author even helped us along with friendly online advice.

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Off Grid News

It has been an exciting week here at Off Grid Living. We are just putting the finishing touches on our second, much larger wind generator. This model, adapted from the original plans we purchased should produce almost 2000 watts of power at 24 volts.

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Friday, June 8, 2007

Video- Home Wind Generators

Looking to see a home wind generator in action? Want to build one yourself?Some interesting video and some photos too.

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Home Wind Generators

This is an update on our report about how to build home wind generators- now we wanted it to look good. When visitors come to our homestead we want them to ask, “ Where did you ‘buy’ your new wind generator?” To which we would reply, “ Oh, we built that ourselves” as confidently as we could muster...

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Off the Grid Living

For 14 years we have been learning about off the grid living. Solar panels, how to build a wind generator and ways to prevent global warming. We have made our choice to take action...

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Monday, June 4, 2007

How the Weather affects your Renewable Energy System

The main factor that affects how much Renewable Energy that is produced at our home is the weather. If the sun is shining our solar panels are working non-stop to charge our batteries. When the sun isn’t shining that’s a different story.The weather outside has a direct relationship to the amount of charging that takes place with our battery bank

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Friday, June 1, 2007

Alternative Energy today

AlternativeEnergy is in the news and everybody seems to be talking about it today. But what is Alternative Energy ? In this article we will tell you what Alternative Energy is and take a look at common AlternativeEnergy sources.

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